Palin attempts to “refudiate” feminists via Twitter

Update: While not a definition listed on Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, Palin does appear to use the term “cackle” correctly in her Twitter posting if in fact she is referring to liberal feminists as a group of hyenas.

Original Post:

You'll recall that Fox News contributor Sarah Palin invented the word “refudiate” in a July Twitter post about the proposed Islamic community center in lower Manhattan:

After the half-term Governor of Alaska became an online laughingstock, the post was deleted and replaced with another attempt at the same message, this time using “refute” incorrectly:

Finally, Palin decided to dismiss her critics and compare herself to Shakespeare:

Palin's assault on the English language is far from over. As the Huffington Post notes:

In a tweet on Wednesday, Palin referred to a “cackle of [radicals]” who disagree with her.

Here are some common dictionary definitions of “cackle,” none of which are appropriate in the context of Palin's tweet:

cack·le (kkl)

1. To make the shrill cry characteristic of a hen after laying an egg.
2. To laugh or talk in a shrill manner.
To utter in cackles: cackled a sarcastic reply.

1. The act or sound of cackling.
2. Shrill laughter.
3. Foolish chatter.

Perhaps she meant to use the word “gaggle”? Or maybe some other word? Leave your ideas in the comments section.