FlashPoint guest suggests that the wildfires in Hawaii and across other parts of the globe are the result of “demonic entities” and God will show “it’s not climate”
Hank Kunneman said that on Sunday, “the spirit of the Lord … began to prophesy about Hawaii, and he began to prophesy about North America and the fire. … And he said that ‘the demonic entities have stretched their hands’”
From the August 22, 2023, edition of the Victory Channel's FlashPoint
GENE BAILEY (HOST): I mean, climate change, I mean, it is summer. It must be climate change that's causing this problem.
HANK KUNNEMAN (GUEST): Sure, they've been saying climate change for a long time, but here is the real deal, you know, getting back to the original thing you said about Biden. You know, the real fire — again, the guy's a great actor and they're putting on a acting job — that's for sure. The fire that he needs to be concerned with — and the 46 that doesn't exist and the fake administration — they need to be concerned about the fire of God's justice that's going to burn brighter under their gluteus maximus, and also going to continue to bring a laptop to the forefront. That's not going away because God is absolutely exposing all of this.
Even in Hawaii, you know, the spirit of the Lord spoke something on Sunday. And it was very interesting because there was a sound that was coming, prophetically, and I could hear it in the spirit, and it was the sound. And the Lord said, “This is my feet. It's the feet of my justice.” And he began to prophesy about Hawaii, and he began to prophesy about North America and the fires that are happening, that we're seeing in the Earth. And he said that “the demonic entities have stretched their hands,” and there are — and I'm telling you that.
And we're going to see it, because Isaiah 42 even says that “God's going to declare his praise in the islands.” And I believe that's Hawaii, and I believe that the Lord is going to go forth as verse 13 of Isaiah 42 says, “like a mighty man, he's going to stir up his jealousy like a man or war, and he's going to cry and he's going to prevail,” and he's going to show it's not climate, you know, all of that. But there's something else that's going on that the truth will be revealed. And it needs to for the sake of the innocent who have suffered a lot.