Fox's Crowley: After Seeing Obama's “Leftist Insanity,” I Asked “What The Bleep Just Happened?” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 06/20/12 8:16 AM EDT From the June 20 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends: Video file Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: to facebookShare to twitterShare to email00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Share Previously: Fox's Monica Crowley Gives Republicans A “Way Out”: “I'm Trying To Help Them Out Here” UPDATED: Fox's Monica Crowley Reacts To Fluke's Reported Engagement: “To A Man?” Sandra Fluke: Monica Crowley Owes An Apology To LGBT Community For Her “Blatant Homophobia” Fox's Monica Crowley Denies Bush Administration National Security Leak: “They Ended Up Prosecuting Libby Over Nothing”