MSNBC's Joy Reid Blasts NRA For Blocking Law That Would Stop Terrorists From Buying High Powered Guns

Joy Reid: “There's Nothing In The NRA's Behavior That Indicates They Care About Anything Other Than Maximizing Gun Sales”

From the November 23 edition of MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes:

JOY REID: We look at the, you know, really deadly and horrific massacres we've seen in this country. If you then replace the characters who did them, who are white American males, with Muslims, you would have a whole different sort of category of fear that would happen in the country. I just think it's an interesting thought experiment that when you give the NRA the option between these maximalist positions on gun control or on not having gun control and the potential to exercise Islamophobia or nativism that, you know, they still come down on the side of these maximalist positions. And you do wonder what would the scenario be where they would support gun control? Because in the past the NRA has supported gun control. 

CHRIS HAYES (HOST): OK. But isn't that a strike in their favor, right? Doesn't that say, like, wasn't that -- what you just said, doesn't that say the NRA is an organization with tremendous integrity. Right, because they're not going to pander?

REID: Except that there's nothing in the NRA's behavior that indicates they care about anything other than maximizing gun sales. They have not demonstrated in any way a sort of care about, you know, the individual liberties of Muslim Americans that might be on the list. They just want to sell a lot of guns. 


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