From the July 31 edition of CNN's Reliable Sources:
On CNN, Margaret Sullivan Says Sexual Harassment “Is Pervasive At Fox” And Requires “A Culture Change There”
David Zurawik: Any Fox Leader Who “Had Knowledge Of This Kind Of Vile Predatory Behavior That's Alleged .. Need[s] To Be Out Of There”
Written by Media Matters Staff
BRIAN STELTER (HOST): What are you hearing from [Fox News' parent company 21st Century Fox] about how far this could go, about what other claims could be out there?
MARGARET SULLIVAN: Brian, what I'm understanding, not from direct contact with the company, because they haven't spoken to me directly, but what I believe is the case is that the investigation, the internal investigation, is winding down now, and that troubles me because I think this goes beyond Roger Ailes and is pervasive at Fox, and I think that there needs to be a culture change there. I'm not sure that's going to happen.
STELTER: The closest thing I have is a source with knowledge of the Murdochs' view, saying they had no knowledge of these sexual harassment claims, but frankly I think we need to hear from them on the record.[...]
STELTER: Zurawik, let's talk through what happened this week. We haven't heard from Ailes, we haven't heard from the Murdochs, we did read this new Gabriel Sherman story alleging a 20 year pattern of abuse of a booker at Fox News. What more do you think we need to know, what more does Fox need to tell media reporters like us, about what happened with Ailes?
DAVID ZURAWIK: I think we absolutely, Brian, need to know who else in that chain of command knew about this and allowed it to happen. If you just had knowledge of it, if you were a producer or a senior producer, an executive producer, management executive, and you just had knowledge of this kind of vile predatory behavior that's alleged, you need to be out of there. I mean, listen, I've been doing this a long time. I cannot remember -- and I have sometimes very low opinions of people in this business, myself included, because we're so competitive. But this story has absolutely sickened me at what was going on there in terms of the misuse of power over these people who you almost had to go along with it if you were a victim if you wanted to have any chance to survive in that organization. That's a horrible situation. You can't just walk away and say Roger Ailes is out, and Roger Ailes, by the way, denies everything, speaking of false equivalency. People say Roger Ailes did this bad stuff, he says he didn't, OK, let's move on. That's what they'd like. That's not going to happen, and I'll tell you what. Sherman's been doing just fantastic work on this. I think all of us, there's a lot of other people involved, all of us have to stay on this case, and I think Margaret's right, we can't let it just go away, we have to ask who knew in that culture that this was going on and stay with it.
Report: Fox Executives Knew, Covered Up Roger Ailes’ Predatory Sexual Harassment For Over 20 Years