Sean Hannity To Trump: If "We Find Somebody That Has Extreme Views ... Do We Throw Them The Hell Out?”

Donald Trump: “Whether It's Racial Profiling Or Politically Correct, We Better Get Smart”

From the August 17 edition of Fox News' Hannity:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): When you talk about extreme vetting, and you did talk about in the Cold War we did have ideological test screening, and this goes into your thinking, and -- how do you stop, how do you possibly know if somebody grows up under Sharia, and these extreme viewpoints that are the antithesis of our constitutional --

DONALD TRUMP: So, when you look at San Bernardino, right, which was a horror show. She came in, she probably radicalized the husband, what a couple that was. That was a real beauty. So, if they would have looked at social media, they would have seen that this woman was trouble.

HANNITY: Was radicalized.

TRUMP: We didn't look at social media. They just came in, they actually killed people that gave them a baby shower, a baby party. They had a child. 14 people that were killed, they were at the party honoring the birth of their baby, and then they went in and shot them all, killed them all. Look, there's something going on, it's a sick deal. It's beyond just normal --

HANNITY: Alright, let me follow up on that --

TRUMP: Sean, this is a sick, sick deal.

HANNITY: Agreed, sick deal. Sick ideology, this is an advancement of a caliphate that wants worldwide -- either convert or die. Here's my question then, you pointed out that this guy, the father of this Orlando shooter, and he was smiling, as you said -- and Hillary, and you talked about her stupidity and her weaknesses -- and he has explained his radical views. What do we do when we find somebody that has extreme views? Do we throw them the hell out?

TRUMP: I'd throw him out. If you look at him, I'd throw him out. You know, I looked at him, and you look, he's smiling, he had the red cap on. I thought it was one of my caps, I said “No, Make America great again,” I don't think so.


TRUMP: But look, we have -- whether it's racial profiling or politically correct, we better get smart. We are letting tens of thousands of people into our country. We don't know what the hell we're doing.


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