Fox host Ainsley Earhart compared Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez, an undocumented immigrant who was deported despite protection from deportation through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, to “thugs that play football and they get the opportunity to play in the NFL” and “waste it.” Montes Bojorquez was deported to Mexico in February, and while reports about the sequence of events that led to his deportation are disputed, Fox is currently parroting the administration's allegations that Montes engaged in wrongdoing that merited deportation, by saying Montes “abused” his permit or “didn't follow the rules.” From the April 21 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
Fox Host Compares Deported DACA Recipient To “Thugs” Who “Waste” Opportunity Of Playing In The NFL
Ainsley Earhardt: “It's Just Like When We Talk About These Thugs That Play Football, And They Get The Opportunity To Play In The NFL ... And Then These Thugs Waste It. It's Just Like This Guy.”
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