From the May 24 edition of Fox News' The Fox News Specialists:
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ERIC BOLLING (CO-HOST): Can we point something out though? And Ari, correct me if I'm wrong, President Obama was looking to substantially increase the acceptance of refugees, the program. He went from I think it was 116,000 in his last year. Hillary Clinton was looking for four or 500,000 refugees to take on. Do we not see the dangers of doing things like this? This family, this family was a refugee family from Libya.
ARI FLEISCHER: I'm not with you on this one, no. He was born in the United Kingdom. The Manchester terrorist was born in the United Kingdom.
BOLLING: His parents were refugees.
FLEISCHER: Well my mother was born abroad. I was born here. So I'm not sure the solution is to say because people's parents were born somewhere else, you can't be here. I am not with President Trump on the Muslim ban. And I never have been, the so-called Muslim ban.
BOLLING: It's not a Muslim ban. C'mon, let's call it what it is. It's not a Muslim ban. It's a ban, it's a moratorium --