Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik highlights how the Murdoch sons kept O'Reilly despite $32 million sexual harassment settlement

Zurawik: “Fox is on the wrong side of history. ... This is an epic cultural change that's taking place in terms of predatory sexual oppression of women in the workplace, and they're on the wrong side of it.”

From the October 22 edition of CNN's Reliable Sources:

DAVID ZURAWIK: This speaks to the larger question of Fox News. When Roger Ailes was fired, I wrote a piece saying, look, this doesn't change Fox News. Twenty years of a culture that Roger Ailes established and that continued takes more than firing just the head of it. And now we see how deep-seated it is. And we see that the Murdoch sons – this deal really looks bad, that they waited until they had this document. And then they resigned O'Reilly after all of this.


ZURAWIK: Fox is on the wrong side of history. It can talk all it wants about its ratings. This is an epic cultural change that's taking place in terms of predatory sexual oppression of women in the workplace, and they're on the wrong side of it. You want to hire him thinking you're going to get ratings? Good luck. You’re going to get infamy. That’s what you’re going to get.


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