Broward County sheriff to NRATV's Dana Loesch: You're not defending children “until you say I want less weapons”

Sheriff Scott Israel: “You're not standing up for [victims of gun violence] until you say I want less weapons”

From the February 21 edition of CNN's Students of Stoneman Douglas Demand Action Town Hall:

Video file

SHERIFF SCOTT ISRAEL: I understand you’re standing up for the NRA and I understand that’s what you’re supposed to do. But you just told this group of people that you’re standing up for them. You’re not standing up for them until you say I want less weapons.


Watch: Father who lost child in mass shooting calls out Sen. Marco Rubio for his weak comments on guns during CNN Townhall

Tucker Carlson calls Parkland survivors “a human shield” being used by the media

How conspiracy theories about Stoneman Douglas students spread on YouTube and Facebook