From the January 12, 2017, edition of Fox News' Hannity:
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SEAN HANNITY (HOST): All right, so this issue -- Donald Trump yesterday at the presser talks a lot about the role of Don Jr. and Eric. They're taking over the company. Let's start with that.
AINSLEY EARHARDT (FOX & FRIENDS CO-HOST): So the two boys, they're going to take over the company. There are more than 500 different companies. They're going to run the operations here in the United States. All the companies that are overseas, they're no longer going to do business with them, at least for the next four years.
HANNITY: And it's a big step for him. When Donald Trump mentioned yesterday -- and I was kidding around yesterday with Michael Cohen -- $2 billion, some guy in Dubai. And I said can you give him my number? I said I'm interested in that deal myself. So there really is a sacrifice. Donald Trump legally does not though have to recuse himself from his business. But he's doing it to avoid any appearance of impropriety.