From the April 26 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:
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DONALD TRUMP (PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES): So Comey leaked, and by the way also what he did with CNN in order to placate them, you saw that whole scenario, this is a big mistake, this book. He is guilty of crimes, and if we had a Justice Department that was doing their job instead of spending $10 million trying to find --
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): It's your Justice Department -- Mr. President, Mr. President, you're the Republican in charge -- you've got a Republican running it.
TRUMP: You're right, you're right. But here's what -- I answer this all the time. Because of the fact that they have this witch hunt going on with people in the Justice Department that shouldn't be there, they have a witch hunt against the president of the United States going on, I've taken the position -- and I don't have to take this position, and maybe I'll change -- that I will not be involved with the Justice Department. I will wait til this is over. It's a total -- it's all lies, and it's a horrible thing that's going on. A horrible thing.