Fox's Brian Kilmeade dog-whistles on French immigration policies: “The people of France aren't happy” feeling “like a minority in their own country”

From the July 11 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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BRIAN KLIMEADE (CO-HOST): Now, let's look at what Germany did. In 2015, they want to show a big heart and we -- you would think the world would appreciate that. And perhaps they did. But the German people didn't. There was a surge of over a million migrants that they knew nothing about. Taking in still eleven thousand a month. The people of Germany says you have got to be kidding me. That's an unfair refugee burden you put on the German taxpayer. How was that received? 

SEBASTIAN GORKA (FOX NEWS NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGIST): Well, look, now her cabinet, her government, [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel's government is on the precipice of collapsing because of her immigration policies. These are all -- look, these are our friends, Brian. We're all members together of the Judeo-Christian civilization. So we help people when we can. But saying we have no borders. Let everybody in, it doesn't matter. That has consequences. And not just national security consequences, but political ones. And that's why you have Brexit, that's why you have the trouble with Merkel, and that's why have you even [French President Emmanuel] Macron reconsidering the immigration policies of France.

KILMEADE: Yeah, in France, Macron ran on let's open up our borders and be a welcome mat for the world. And in the end he's starting to lose some security, we're seeing the range of terror attacks; to stabbings, to knifings, to people being run over by cars. And they're saying, wait a second, the people of France aren't happy with essentially feeling eventually like a minority in their own country. So now he has been forced by his constituents to get tougher. 


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