Gavin McInnes advocates using the slur “faggot”

McInnes: It ”is a handy term”

From the October 14 edition of Westwood One's Get Off My Lawn podcast:

GAVIN MCINNES (HOST): So the colon after that headline, and the gays know their colons, “Are you brave now, faggot.” Now, they’re referring to a street brawl that happened after my talk at the Manhattan Republican Club. ThinkProgress obviously has a very biased view. It’s funny how when you're really involved in something and you were there and you’re the guy in the story you see how much the media lies and how bad they are at telling the story. So their version is that these Trump supporters went to see a -- see a thing where they celebrated a socialist being murdered and then they went roaming the street beating up random people in a homophobic way. Now there is truth in the word faggot. It was used. And I’ve seen Proud Boys -- I’m going to go back at the beginning of the story soon, but we’re starting at the end -- I’ve seen Proud Boys say, “Why do you say faggot, dude? That makes us look bad.” And I say, it’s a bad word. You know, someone jumps you, steals your hat and then gets beaten so bad that the kid, the antifa kid they beat up was in tears. He was crying. Now, while this person is crying, I’m sorry, but faggot is a handy term. It’s very rarely used against gays. In fact, Louis C.K. has this whole bit about how I would never call a gay a faggot because you don’t call homosexuals faggots, you call faggots faggots. It means someone -- it means a man who is crying, basically. In fact, most gays I know are a lot tougher and more alpha than most straights.

MCINNES: But I -- you know, it’s not a great word, faggot, it’s a terrible word. But it’s like cunt. It’s a bad word and you swear when you’re in a fight, your adrenaline is pounding. What are you going to do? Be sort of civil about it and say, “Are you brave now, you don’t seem as brave, you bloody coward?” Like the antifa manifesto they put on the door. Anyway, OK so, that’s the end of the story, let me go back to the beginning.


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