From the March 11 edition of Fox Business' Trish Regan Primetime:
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TRISH REGAN (HOST): The likes of socialist freshman Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, and another freshman Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who is seemingly anti-American, if you ask me -- they are joined together tonight in peddling conspiracy theories that this tragedy in Venezuela is all driven by the United States of America.
Wrong. It is driven by socialism. It is driven by Nicolas Maduro who has deprived his people of dreams.
These women are so anti-Trump and so naive and so ignorant, and I will add so inhumane, that they would prefer to see millions of people suffer than show a little generosity, and help someone else, because sometimes in life, it's just the right thing to do.
They are showing their true colors tonight, and they are clearly nothing but selfish socialist political operatives. And all this power, all this power is going very quickly to their heads.