Tucker Carlson to Bubba the Love Sponge: “I like you too … I actually mean it in a completely faggot way”

Carlson: “Well I like you too, and I mean that. You always say, 'I mean that in a non-fag way,' but I actually mean it in a completely faggot way.”

From the May 9, 2006, edition of the Bubba the Love Sponge Show:

BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE: MSNBC's very own Tucker Carlson. Tuck, do you like coming on with us? 'Cause I like you. I mean I'm not trying to fag out on you or nothing, but I like you. I like you.

TUCKER CARLSON: Well I like you too, and I mean that. You always say, “I mean that in a non-fag way,” but I actually mean it in a completely faggot way.

CO-HOST: I wish I knew how to quit you, Tuck.

THE LOVE SPONGE: I wish I knew how to quit you, Tuck.


In unearthed audio, Tucker Carlson makes numerous misogynistic and perverted comments

Unearthed audio shows Tucker Carlson using white nationalist rhetoric and making racist remarks