ALEX AZAR (HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY): What conditions are we talking about? We provide these kids some of the safest, most secure environments that they -- that they, some of these kids have unfortunately ever had. They are provided a safe environment. They are provided three square meals a day. They are provided snacks. When we have funding from Congress, they get recreation, they have full education services.
LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Do they, wait -- do they have health and dental?
AZAR: They get medical, they get mental health, they get dental, they get vision -- and by the way, there is this false narrative that somehow we are trying to keep these kids with us for a long period of time. Our goal at HHS. is to have these kids with us for zero days if we could. We don't want any kids in our care. We have actually decreased the average number of days a kid stays with us from over 90 days to 44 days. That is how fast we are trying to get these kids out to sponsors, family members here in the United States. So, we don't want any kid with us one day longer than they have to be with us.
INGRAHAM: I mean, like, this is not what -- HHS or the U.S. government doesn't have facilities to detain families. I mean, that's -- we never had this problem until the magnet was created at this border.