Fox’s Todd Starnes: Ilhan Omar and other immigrants should take “a one way plane ticket back to whatever third-world hellhole you came from”

Starnes: “Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you”

From the July 11 edition of Fox Nation's Starnes Country:

TODD STARNES (HOST): I titled my book Culture Jihad because it's a call to arms for every freedom-loving American -- Christians and Jews, straight and gay, Black and white and brown. Folks, we have got a responsibility to stand up to the Orwellian tactics of the leftists and defend liberty. Otherwise, the culture jihadists will conquer the nation.

As for Congresswoman Omar and other immigrants who find that America, well, just doesn't meet their standards of living, might I just suggest this -- how about a one-way plane ticket back to whatever third-world hellhole you came from? And don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.


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