Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich calls Biden’s election the worst assault on America, “maybe since the previous Civil War”
Gingrich: “And yes, it is true that as a de facto level, Biden may at some place get sworn in. But i think that for 40 or 45 percent of the American people, he will never be seen as a legitimate president”
Newt Ginrich tells Sean Hannity that Biden’s election is “the most dangerous assault on the very nature of America … maybe since the previous Civil War”

From the January 5, 2021, edition of iHeartRadio’s The Sean Hannity Show
NEWT GINGRICH (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): This is going to be a long, long fight. And yes, it is true that as a de facto level, Biden may at some place get sworn in. But I think for 40 or 45% of the American people, he will never be seen as a legitimate president, because the very process that put him there is so totally corrupted.
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Yeah, well, it's got to be a top priority, because if not we lose the country, Mr. Speaker. I never thought I'd say those words to you, but I really believe that.
GINGRICH: Well I do, too. I think this is the most dangerous assault on the very nature of America, certainly in our lifetime, and maybe since the previous Civil War.