True the Vote's Gregg Phillips to government officials he says wronged him: “I’m going to track you down and I’m going to beat the living snot out of you.”
Phillips on former President Joe Biden: “I would just like to find him and punch him in the mouth. ... He is a nasty, shitty, crappy human being, and he deserves to die.”
From a January 27, 2025, edition of True the Vote’s Onward, streamed on Locals
CATHERINE ENGELBRECHT (TRUE THE VOTE FOUNDER): And then another one that was particularly awesome is this one. And it says — boom. “Holding the former government officials accountable for election interference and improper disclosure of sensitive governmental information.” And this took to task — and you've no doubt seen this in the press. It took to task the 52, I think, or thereabouts, former members of the intelligence community that signed on to a letter saying that Hunter Biden's laptop was not true, it was a Russian psyop. And, yeah, of course, now we all know that that wasn't true and that those 50-some intelligence community officers were intentionally deceiving the American people to try to get them to turn a blind eye, and it's just despicable what they did. But that's the — that's been the focus of this executive order.
PHILLIPS: I would like to punch that bitch in the mouth right now. I just — I have no —
ENGELBRECHT: Who are we talking about?
PHILLIPS: Biden, for doing what he did to everybody.
ENGELBRECHT: Yeah, it's —
PHILLIPS: Doing what he did to us, for doing what he did to you, for doing what he did to this entire movement. I would just like to find him and punch him in the mouth. I don't care. I'm sure they'd put me in jail. I'm sure they'd put me in jail again. Whatever. This guy is the most horrible of all human beings. He is a nasty, shitty, crappy human being, and he deserves to die. And I hope he does. I'll deal with the God in that later, so —
ENGELBRECHT: And on that highly diplomatic note —
PHILLIPS: It makes me sick.
ENGELBRECHT: I'll say this about this particular executive order that, even though the intelligence community liars have been the focus, the spies who lie, there's more in this executive order, and our attorneys are currently helping us look at this through the lens of the things that happened to us. There have been so many instances that we have not spoken of publicly where we provided information and then were treated as though we'd never provided it, treated as though what we provided was —
ENGELBRECHT: It — a lie, inaccurate, and I mean, this doesn't just — you know, this bleeds over into a number of other types of people beyond just government officials, but absolutely through this executive order —
PHILLIPS: I'm going to find you people. I'm going to find you. When I get well, I'm going to find you. I'm going to find you. I'm going to track you down and I'm going to beat the living snot out of you. I'm going to find you.
ENGELBRECHT: It's — they definitely made our lives very difficult, and it's been very difficult to — it's been very difficult to explain it away because it's been the full weight and force of the federal and other state governments that have been in on it. But I'm very optimistic that once President Trump, you know, takes care of the whack a mole that he's now having to play, there will come, in due course, the time to look back at what has happened in our elections, what happened in 2020, what happened in certain of the more outrageous circumstances and events, and I am confident that we will have the opportunity to tell that full story that extends across a great many agencies and states and individuals, most of which we've not talked about at all.