He's doomed: In 52 weeks, Obama's approval rating is down 4 points

No wonder the chattering class can't stop talking about Obama's polling woes, and why it won't get off its beloved narrative about this presidency being in free fall. I mean, the man has had four entire points shaved off his approval rating over the last 52 weeks. (That's .08 points per-week.)

Stick a fork in Obama, because he's done, right?

And where does the latest bout of devastating polling news come from? From the NBC/Wall Street Journal results. But for some reason in their write-ups, both news organizations forget to mention that over the past 52 weeks, Obama's approval rating in the very same poll is down a grand total of four points.

And oh yeah, the poll has a margin of error of three points, so it's possible Obama's approval rating has remained essentially unchanged for the last year.

Could his standing get any worse?