From today's Washington Post online Q&A with Howard Kurtz:
Bluffton, SC: In your blog on Friday you wrote this referring to MSNBC and its liberal hosts: “though that channel does give Joe Scarborough three hours a day, while no liberal has a show on Fox News.” Although Joe considers himself a conservative the majority of the guests (not to mention his co-host) are decidedly liberal. And when it comes to interviewing members of Congress, Democrats seem to get twice as much airtime as Republicans. Poor Paul Ryan got a grand total of 3 minutes on Friday's show.
Howard Kurtz: I haven't noticed a tilt on the Morning Joe guest front at all. During the campaign, McCain people came on as often as Obama people. Peggy Noonan is a regular, and Pat Buchanan is on an awful lot. So I think it's fair to hold up Scarborough as an exception to MSNBC's generally liberal opinion lineup.