WaPo's Levingston responds to Beck's attack on his review of The Overton Window

From a June 15 post at WashingtonPost.com:

I was flattered to learn that Glenn Beck read my review of his new book "The Overton Window" and even took time to remark upon it during his morning radio show. But I wish he had read the review a little more carefully because he refers to things in it that weren't there.

Most serious among his off-the-cuff language this morning was: “The Washington Post writes as future fact that [the book] will be found in a bag of ammunition at some point after a violent shooting.” Please read the review again, Mr. Beck.

Here's what I actually wrote, as a conditional statement -- not as a future fact: “If the book is found tucked into the ammo boxes of self-proclaimed patriots and recited at ”tea party" assemblies, then Beck will have achieved his goal." And where is the mention of a violent shooting?


Washington Post reviews The Overton Window: “Radical readers may take the story's fiction for fact”

Beck on Wash. Post Overton review: “You know, it's weird ... how many people read” Post “and take your fiction as fact”