What's the “right” amount of “hostility towards Muslims”?

The Washington Post asks:

Has hostility towards Muslims, Islam gone too far?

posted at 8/23/2010 8:37 AM EDT

Growing anger and debate over the plans to build a Muslim community center near Ground Zero has brought focus to increasing anger over similar plans across America. Read Annie Gowen's piece from today for more information. Has hostility towards Muslims and Islam gone too far? Is there anything wrong with building community centers where needed? What can be done to increase understanding of the Islamic faith among Americans? Weigh in and share your thoughts below.

That's certainly an interesting question, since asking whether “hostility towards Muslims” has “gone too far” implies that a certain amount of such hostility is reasonable -- and, therefore, that it's possible for “hostility towards Muslims” to fail to go far enough.

I can't even begin to imagine the Washington Post asking readers if “hostility towards Jews” or “hostility towards Christians” has “gone too far.” It probably would never occur to the Post to suggest that there might be some acceptable amount of such hostility. But Muslims? Fair game -- just don't take it “too far.”


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