White nationalist Nick Fuentes claims Murdoch-owned NY Post tried to “goad” him into endorsing Kamala Harris
Fuentes says that the outlet tried to “plausibly, incredibly, distance Trump” from him, and that when he didn't endorse Harris, “they scuttled the story, and so they never published”
White nationalist Nick Fuentes claims New York Post's Jon Levine tried “to goad me into saying I would vote for Kamala”
From a September 22, 2024, X Space
NICK FUENTES: I have insisted throughout the year that although I have my criticisms of Trump, and although I may not vote, that I will never vote for Kamala. I have said that repeatedly.
Nevertheless, the media wants me — they want me to endorse Kamala. How do I know that? Well, I got a call from the New York Post about three or four months ago. I could actually pull it up because I keep track of these kinds of things.
I had a journalist from the New York Post asking around for my phone number, people texting me, “Can I give so and so your phone number?” A journalist named Jon Levine from the New York Post. And I said “sure,” and he calls me up. And this was after some show where I said that I wasn't going to vote for Trump, and he was trying to goad me into saying I would vote for Kamala. He said, “Oh, you said this, that, and the other about Trump last night. Does that mean you're going to vote for Kamala?” And I said, “Yeah, well, these are my criticisms about Trump.” I said, “But I am still planning on supporting him eventually.” This was early on. I said, “I have zero intention of voting for Kamala,” and I actually have the transcript of the call. I took a transcript of the call, and so I have all of that — a recording.
And after that, they didn't publish the piece. So they called to interview me about my comments on my show that I had made where I criticized Trump. They were fishing for me to endorse Kamala. And then when I didn't endorse Kamala, they scuttled the story, and so they never published. They never wrote anything about the call. They never wrote anything about, you know, that I'm still endorsing Trump. And wouldn't you know, of course, the New York Post is a pro-Trump, pro-Israel publications run by News Corp., Rupert Murdoch. New York Post is pro-Israel and pro-Trump.
Of course, they want a guy like me to endorse Kamala because then it's a headline. Then they get to plausibly, incredibly, distance Trump from me, the radical Israel critical element on the right-wing and in the party. And when they didn't get that, which is what they were fishing for, and then they could tar Kamala with my endorsement and say, “Oh, the white nationalist endorsed the Democrat. This really says a lot about our society.” When they didn't get that quote, they didn't even bother publishing the story, and I never heard back.
And they have been pushing that repeatedly throughout the year, saying that, in some cases when I have been critical of Trump, that that constitutes an endorsement. They say that I'm a Democrat, that I am trying to demoralize Trump's base, all these things. Nothing could be further from the truth.