Remember that AP hatchet job on Sotomayor?

That was the Sharon Theimer article that implied Sotomayor and White House aides were being hypocritical in pushing Sotomayor's humble “blue collar” roots while ignoring how “wealthy” she is; for not dwelling on her “riches.”

We dismantled that canard at the time, and now there's more context regarding Sotomayor's financial situation. The new details only confirm what I suspected: the AP article was rather disgraceful.

Here are the actual facts about Sotomayor's financial standing [emphasis added]:

On Thursday, Sotomayor advised the Senate Judiciary Committee that she has savings of about $32,000 as well as $15,000 in credit card debt. The 54-year-old appellate court judge also is on the hook for a $15,000 dentist bill.

Talk about Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!

Oh but wait, the AP thought it was a very big deal that Sotomayor lived in Manhatten's Greenwich Village, “a neighborhood of million-dollar-plus homes.” Here's what we now know about Sotomayor's Greenwich Village apt: it's valued at $1 million.

To understand what $1 million will buy you in Greenwich Village, click here. The answer is you can buy a very nice one-bedroom apartment that's less than 1,000 square feet. Total.

But the AP can't understand why the White House won't talk about Sotomayor's “riches.”