Why conservatives make such lousy media critics

Because even when journalists are factual, conservatives claim the press' bias is showing. It's comical to watch, actually.

Cue Newsbusters and this item:

CBS's Smith: GOP Base 'Mostly White, Older, Very Religious'

Newsbusters flagged Brian Smith at CBS because he was bad-mouthing the Republican Party [emphasis original] :

While discussing the future of the GOP on Sunday, CBS's Harry Smith wondered: “Is there room for moderates in the Republican Party?...there's a brand-new Gallup poll that mostly white, older, very religious, just almost demographically the future of the party can't just be based in those folks.”

Apparently Newsbusters didn't like Smith painting a portrait of the GOP that made it look like it was the party of white people. But guess what, it's true and Newsbusters never even tried to deny the polling data that Smith cited.

Smith on CBS made a factual observation about the makeup of the Republican Party, and Newsbusters called him out for...making a factual observation about the makeup of the Republican Party?

Like we said, conservatives make lousy media critics.