Waiting for Mary Katharine Ham to update her bogus Weekly Standard post

She mocked the White House for having the nerve to pick a fight with Matt Drudge, who, according to deep thinkers at places like the Weekly Standard, is a de facto leader of the conservative movement. Along with Glenn Beck, of course. (The Weekly Standard must be so proud.)

Here's Ham belittling the White House's Linda Douglass and her paltry online response to Drudge [emphasis added]:

Despite copious coverage this morning, a top link on Drudge, and the Politico dubbing it a “viral campaign,” Douglass' dreary video is up to only about 350 views.

Ha-ha! Only 350 people watched the White House's response to Drudge. Except that, if you check the tallies today, the White House clip has been viewed more than 116,000 times.

Still waiting for Ham to update her post.