ABC News still playing dumb about “death panels”

It's quite amazing to watch. But more than a week after every sane person agreed Sarah Palin's claim about “death panels” killing off old people under Obama's proposed health care reform, was pure sci-fi trash, some news orgs still won't call it what it is: a lie.

From ABC's Kristina Wong [emphasis added]:

The House bill, H.R. 3200, also includes controversial “end of life care” consultations, which would reimburse doctors for discussing end-of-life arrangements with patients, but which some critics have characterized as “death panels.”

That's it. No explanation that “some critics,” such as Palin, manufactured the scare claim out of whole cloth.

UPDATED: In a separate online article, an ABC News headline announces:

White House Confronts False Claims About Health Care Reform

Hmm. What kind of “false claims?”

With the continued chatter regarding former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's discerning claims on her Facebook page that Obama's health care reform proposals would promote “death panels” for end-of-life counseling, the fallout this week has proved the health care debate has gotten out of control.

I wonder if news outlets such as ABC, which periodically fail to debunk “death panels,” bear any responsibility for the fact the “health care debate has gotten out of control.”