“GOP must repudiate Limbaugh or be defined by him”

Menachem Rosensaft, Vice President of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, writes at HuffPost:

One stark difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats appear to be far more willing to confront and publicly denounce bigots and extremists in their own fold. This has been highlighted by the GOP leadership's failure to condemn Rush Limbaugh's divisive, race-baiting diatribes...

By tolerating and encouraging Limbaugh, the Republican leadership is fomenting racial and ethnic hatred that could have disastrous consequences for our country. Limbaugh's extremist rhetoric is transforming the Republican side of the American political discourse from one of legitimate political and ideological disagreement among fellow citizens into a demonization of the “other,” that is, everyone who is non-white, non-fundamentalist Christian and non-conservative.