Surprise! Michelle Malkin attacking school kids. Again.

The blogger's creepy desire to demonize U.S. school children who in any way cross paths with Obama, or even sing his praise, is now hurtling into the area of dementia.

In August, Malkin attacked an 11-year old because she stood up and asked Obama a question at a town hall forum. Last week, she smeared second graders because they sang a song in honor of Obama during Black History Month. This week, she ridicules teenagers who took part in the White House's volunteer initiative to be junior lobbyists for the push by Chicago to land the 2016 Olympics.

BTW, in case you didn't know, Chicago's attempt to win the Olympics is now viewed within the fever swamps of the right-wing blogosphere as the epitome of all that is evil and crooked in the world. Why? Because Obama's for it, that's why.

Stay classy Michelle.