The NYT does have a problem covering conservatives

The recent hand-wringing over the at Times has centered around outside partisan claims that the newspaper's been too slow to pick up on the hot issues bubbling up from the right-wing; that the Times just isnt' in tune with Conservative media and opinion these days. So steps are being taken at the Times. The situation will be remedied.

Still, I'm with the Daily Howler on this one: The daily newspaper does have a problem covering conservatives, and especially the conservative media in America. But rather of not paying enough attention to all the supposedly important stories the right-wing breaks, the real problem is that the Times has remained dutifully silent for years about the avalanche of misinformation the GOP Noise Machine spreads around.

Wrote the Howler [emphasis added]:

For years, the Times has “had trouble” telling readers about the giant mountains of bullsh*t emitting from these swamps. For decades, they have run and hid from the ugliest, stupidest stories which have “arisen from this world.” They ran and hid when this fetid world accused the Clintons of serial murders. When the Times reviewed Ann Coulter's first major book, it ran and hid from all the nonsense found inside its covers. During that same era, the Times actively invented the Whitewater pseudo-controversy, and the fake phony “lies” of Al Gore, of course. Sometimes, the Times has promoted this world's phony claims. But when it doesn't promote such claims, it turns a blind eye to the nonsense.

The New York Times has run and hid from the world of pseudo-conservative talk—when it wasn't actively involved in actively pimping that world's frameworks, of course. This big newspaper has simply refused to address the world of pseudo-conservative disinformation and hysteria. Seeing no evil and hearing no evil has long been this paper's MO.