Beck's indoctrination-through-artwork conspiracy reaches the Capitol

Remember when Glenn Beck put his art critic's beret on over his tin foil hat and told us all how the artwork in Rockefeller Center connected President Obama to Mussolini through the indoctrination of our children? Of course you do -- who can forget? It was lots of fun, and we all laughed at Beck. A lot.

But I'm starting to think Beck was on to something. There's a conspiracy afoot that seeks to undermine the very foundations of our country by glorifying socialist malcontents through artwork, and it's more widespread and cancerous than you thought it was before you finished reading this sentence in which I first told you about it.

You see, the statues collection in the U.S. Capitol contains two statues from each state, which the states are allowed to substitute at any time. According to The New York Times, Alabama has replaced one of its two statues -- that of Confederate Army officer and ardent secessionist Jabez Curry -- with a bronze likeness of Helen Keller, who overcame blindness and deafness to become a world-renowned speaker and author.

Do you know what else Keller was?


As Steven Benen observed, "[O]ne of the most conservative states in the union has unveiled a statue in the Capitol honoring one of the most famous American socialists in history."

Don't you understand what's going on here? Rockefeller Center was just the beginning. They've taken over Alabama. They've infiltrated the Capitol. What's next? A bust of Eugene Debs in the Smithsonian? Bernie Sanders in the National Portrait Gallery? A National Archives exhibit of the collected works of Upton Sinclair?

We're through the looking glass here, people ...