Alternate headlines, the CNN edition

Here's one from today:

CNN Poll: Blame for recession shifting from GOP to Democrats

Here's the nut graph [emphasis added]:

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country's current economic problems. That's down 15 points from May, when 53 percent blamed the GOP. According to the poll 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, up 6 points from May. Twenty-seven percent now say both parties are responsible for the economic mess.

So, in the last six months, the percentage of Americans who blame Democrats for the recession has inched up six points, or one point per-month. That apparently, accounts for the “shifting” trend that CNN highlights in its headline. Also, note that a clear plurality still blame Republicans for the recession.

So wouldn't this headline have worked and actually been more accurate:

CNN Poll: Blame for recession still points to GOP

Just askin'.