FLASHBACK: Will the press ever stop pushing the bogus will-Dems-delay-seating-Brown story?

Ah, remember that January press chestnut? (It's not old enough to be considered a classic, so maybe it's just in recurrent mode right now.)

Remember when the press robotically typed up that fictitious GOP claim that if Scott Brown won the Mass. special election, corrupt Dems would delay in seating him so they could pass all kinds of bills without him there. Remember how the press kept doing that despite the fact there was no evidence to support the would-be conspiracy theory? i.e. The claim of Democratic corruption was built around potential malfeasance.

Well look at the headlines today and what do we learn? Not only aren't Dems delaying Brown's arrival to the U.S. Senate, they're seating him early.

It's good so many Beltway scribes wasted their time pushing the phony GOP line about Dems not seating Brown, right?