The year's lamest gotcha attempt

Newsbuters associate editor Noel Sheppard blows the lid off ... uh ... something:

President Obama's Official Twitterer Connected To

By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)

Sun, 02/14/2010 - 16:06 ET

The woman that poses as Barack Obama on all his social networking websites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter is connected to the far-left organization

See, it seems that Mia Cambronero, a DNC staffer who updates Twitter and Facebook accounts in Barack Obama's name, used to be a fellow at New Organizing Institute, which has ties to Move On. Shocking, isn't it? Sheppard thinks so:

And this is what the person acting as the President's Twitterer used to be affiliated with.

Color me unsurprised not only that this is the case, but that so-called journalists in the mainstream media haven't reported it.

Yeah, I bet Bob Woodward is kicking himself for getting scooped on this one.

Sweetness & Light, the right-wing blog Sheppard cites for this stunning scoop, describes Cambronero as “a NOI Fellow." Apparently that didn't sound damning enough for Sheppard, who embellished it a bit: “Our friends at Sweetness & Light have discovered that she is a senior fellow at the New Organizing Institute." Did Sheppard think that made this incredibly mundane discovering more damning? (It doesn't.) Or did he just misread the blog post? (The Sweetness & Light blog post also insists “Ms. Cambronero's resemblance to Mr. Obama is quite startling,” and a previous post snarked “it is quite telling that Mr. Obama hired a girl to sound like him.” I have no idea what that hire was supposed to “tell,” but this should give you some sense of the kind of people we're dealing with here.)

Another right-wing blog,, then further embellished Sheppard's account in a post titled “Your tax dollars at work - Obama's Official Twitterer is Mia Cambronero who is connected To Soros's”

Just one problem: Cambronero works for the Democratic National Committee, not the White House. Your tax dollars don't have anything to do with it. (Not that there would be anything wrong with a government employee having a gig working for Move On as a line on her resume.)

Apparently, being a right-wing blogger is easier than reading.