Breitbart tries, and fails, to explain away the ACORN pimp myth

As I note in my column this week, both Andrew Breitbart and James O'Keefe (with some help from Fox News, of course) did their best last year to mislead the public and the press into believing that as part of his ACORN sting, O'Keefe wore his outlandish pimp costume right into the offices, and that clueless ACORN workers didn't blink an eye.

But it's not true. Based on all available evidence, O'Keefe never wore his pimp costume inside ACORN offices. (Raise your hand if you got duped.)

Turns out last night Breitbart, doing lots of yellling and name-calling (surprise!), appeared on a conservative radio show with blogger Brad Friedman who pressed him on the myth of the ACORN pimp. At first, Breirtbart denied any wrong doing:

I didn't lie about James O'Keefe. When did I lie about James O'Keefe?

When Friedman then read out loud from an erroneous Washington Times column by Breitbart in which he claimed O'Keefe was “dressed as a pimp” while receiving advice from ACORN workers, the furious (and confused) spin began.

Go here to listen. (The fun begins at the 36 minute mark.)

UPDATED: Breitbart insisted last night he had nothing to correct in his Times column, even though he falsely reported O'Keefe was “dressed as a pimp” while receiving ACORN advice.