So when is Fox News' Gutfield going to correct his ACORN pimp blunders?

I recently highlighted how Fox News host Greg Gutfield excitedly helped spread the lie that James O'Keefe was dressed as a pimp during his undercover ACORN sting last year.

Interviewing O'Keefe's pal Hannah Giles (who made no effort to correct the record), Gutfiled made this sizable factual error [emphasis added]:

It's amazing to me because, seriously, you guys look like you came from a frat party where it was pimps 'n' hos. I would think they just would've said, “Get out of here!” But in fact they were trying to help you set up a brothel.

Since I noted that glaring error, Gutfield, to my knowledge, has refused to acknowledge it, or correct it.

And now take a look at what Gutfield wrote at Breitbart's site, Big Hollywood, on Sept. 18, as the Fox News host hyped the breaking ACORN story:

But when two amateur journalists (in their early twenties, poorly dressed as sex workers, with under two grand in their budget) casually take down a sleazy behomoth [sic] that leeches off American taxpayers, you'd think Hollywood and the media would be all over this.

Yeah, that's completely false. Gutfield, either duped by O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart about the pimp hoax, or just making stuff up because it sounded good, claimed O'Keefe brought down ACORN making undercover videos while dressed as a “sex worker.”

Gimme a break.

Last September, Gutfield ran to the front of the pack to attack ACORN, and used to pimp story to do it. Now the facts are out (not even Breitbart will defend the hoax anymore) and it's time for Gutfield and friends to come clean.

Or does Fox News and Big Hollywood not do corrections?

UPDATED: And how about the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto? He also fell for the phony pimp bait last year:

Dressing up as a pimp and prostitute in order to seek Acorn's help in starting a child sex-slavery ring wasn't Andrew Breitbart's idea. But without the Internet entrepreneur's flair for publicity, the hidden-camera sting might not have produced such impressive results.