Fox News reportedly forces DNC to pull video, but not RNC

We've noted before how Fox News acts as a campaign arm for the Republican Party, campaigning for Republican candidates and repeatedly passing off GOP talking points as its own research (once without even deleting the typos the talking points contained). The Huffington Post has uncovered what appears to be another example of Fox News' favoritism for the GOP. HuffPo reports that Fox News has lodged a copyright claim, leading YouTube to take down a Democratic National Committee ad that uses footage from Fox News, while a Republican National Committee ad that uses Fox News footage is still up on YouTube.

HuffPo reports: “Fox News Channel has forced YouTube to take down a Democratic National Committee Web ad that mocks Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio for spending $130 on a haircut saying that the spot illegally uses network footage.” HuffPo later adds:

A Democratic source, arguing that this could constitute evidence that Fox News is in the tank for Rubio, points out that the YouTube page where the DNC ad used to be currently contains the following disclaimer: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Fox News Network, LLC.”

By contrast, HuffPo notes that an RNC web video that consists of a clip of Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) appearing on Fox News remains on YouTube. The RNC video was put on YouTube on February 24.