Uh-oh, WSJ undercuts RW's beloved “arm-twisting” attacks on Obama

Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh are not going to be happy about this WSJ news article. Why? Because both have been at the forefront of an hysterical, fanatical right-wing campaign to paint the negotiations over the pending health care vote as being borderline criminal as a supposed corrupt and out of control Obama adopts “Chicago-style politics” and bribes his way to passage.

The whole thing is “obscene and vulgar,” Malkin whined on Fox News this morning.

But oops, according to today's WSJ (owned by Murdoch!), none of that is true. In fact, Obama's vote-getting style is rather laid back.

Headline [emphasis added]:

Obama Lobbying Style: All Ears; In Effort to Win Lawmaker Health Votes, President Listens Rather than Arm-Twists

From the article:

It was a moment typical of Mr. Obama's lobbying style—hard-core listening more than Lyndon Johnson-style arm-twisting.

Lawmakers say the president knows their positions in detail and they leave with their egos stroked. But, for better or worse, he doesn't strike fear into their hearts about the consequences of opposing him.

Curse that liberal WSJ.