Simple answers to simple questions (Fox Nation edition)

Fox Nation has some questions:

Let's take them in order, shall we?

The “left wing protest” was, according to the linked article, “a mix of 9/11 Truthers, Code Pinkers, socialists, anarchists, and a large contingency of pro-Hamas, anti-Israel zealots.” If we grant the premise that there was “No media outrage,” that's probably because nobody really takes 9/11 Truthers, Code Pinkers, socialists, anarchists, and anti-Israel zealots seriously, and they certainly are not promoted and pandered to by Democrats the way Tea Partiers are promoted and pandered to by Republicans. Pretty simple, right?

Next: Why is President Obama “banning” the phrase “Islamic Radicalism”? He isn't. You can tell by the complete lack of punishment Fox Nation will face for using the phrase “Islamic Radicalism.”

Finally: “Playing Politics With Mine Tragedy”? Well, that isn't exactly a “fair and balanced” question, is it? Let's try a little re-write: “Advocating safety measures that could help prevent workplace deaths?”