Doocy must read his Drudge headlines too fast

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy just did a “news by the numbers” report that went a little something like this:

DOOCY: Time for news by the numbers on this Friday. First, $50.7 billion -- that's how much the Pentagon plans to spend on military health care in the next year. It's 167 percent higher than in 2001. That's a lot.

Next, $140,000 -- that's the price of the new light fixtures in the House cafeteria. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says they will make the Capitol a shining example of green technology. Those lights -- that they bought for $140,000 -- will take 10 years to pay off. Oh brother.

And last, 9,000 -- that's how many gallons of gas officials estimate President Obama burned on his Earth Day trip to and from Iowa. He took two flights on Air Force One and four on Marine One.

Small problem, Doocy: Obama's fuel use was last year's right-wing media freak out. He wasn't even in Iowa for Earth Day yesterday.

Obama spent the morning in New York City speaking about his financial reform proposals and later made Earth Day comments from the White House Rose Garden.

The new memo coming from the right is that Obama and Vice President Joe Biden clogged up the airspace over New York City. Either Doocy missed the memo, or he scanned the Drudge Report a little too fast today. He missed the “flashback” part: