weighs in on Fox 2012 Primary: Rove, Palin still sparring writes that Fox News contributors Sarah Palin and Karl Rove “butted heads” on election night Tuesday, continuing their fight for the Fox 2012 Primary.

From a November 2 article, titled “Rove, Palin still Diverge on Christine O'Donnell”:

Karl Rove and Sarah Palin butted heads again Tuesday over Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell - even as O'Donnell conceded the race for the Delaware Senate seat to Democrat Chris Coons.

Rove drew fire from Palin and other conservatives earlier this year after O'Donnell won the Republican primary in a surprising upset, saying that O'Donnell was unelectable, had made too many mistakes and carried too many skeletons in her background, and would prove detrimental to the party. Palin and others immediately critized Rove's comments.

Tuesday night, in the wake of O'Donnell's defeat, the two FNC contributors showed they still haven't come to an agreement.