Breitbart Takes Another Swipe At Beck

Yesterday I broke down the sad-and-hilarious feud simmering between Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart and the Daily Caller, and on MSNBC today Breitbart went after Beck yet again.

As you'll recall, yesterday morning the Daily Caller released a report quoting several right-wing bloggers -- Breitbart included -- accusing Beck of stealing their material for his television program. Beck responded on the radio, saying that the accusations were motivated by jealousy and pettiness on the part of certain Daily Caller staffers who had unsuccessfully sought employment with Beck.

Appearing on MSNBC this afternoon, Breitbart talked about the Tea Party losing its way and included “a certain 8-28 rally” among the corrupting influences, an obvious swipe at Beck:

(Side note: It's amusing that Breitbart feels he deserves a cookie for being right on the birther issue, and not just because it's the easiest issue in politics to be right on the right side of, but also because Breitbart guest-hosts birther radio programs and writes blurbs for birther books.)