Hoft: Republicans In Congress Want To Punish American Workers

This afternoon, Jim Hoft announced in a headline on his blog that “Dems Introduce HR 2411 - Automatic Wage Deductions to Pay Off Obama Debt.” In the post, he wrote that “Democrats in Congress want to punish American workers with automatic wage deductions to pay down the Obama debt.” According to Hoft, Democrats want to pass this bill so that they can “continue to spending [sic] like drunken sailors” and “rack up even more debt.”

Following in his time-honored tradition of debunking his own blog posts, Hoft embeds an image of the bill, which reveals 12 co-sponsors.

All of them are Republicans.

Hoft's complete inability to conduct even basic fact-checks of his own work hasn't slowed his rise in conservative media circles. Just this week, Rush Limbaugh was citing him as the source for a story.


Hoft has since completely rewritten his post and updated his headline to change “Dems” to “Congressional Reps.” He noted at the bottom of his post that "(This was updated - The Reps are all Republicans, the bill is a very bad joke)."