No, Sarah Palin, Obama Did Not Call Americans “Lazy”

In attempting to make a point about voter turnout during the Republican primary process, Sarah Palin repeated the right-wing talking point that President Obama called Americans “lazy.” Palin claimed that ads targeting Mitt Romney would help Obama's re-election “only if Americans can concede Obama's point that he recently made, and that is that America has gotten lazy.” She added: “It is imperative that voters do not become lazy in this primary process.”

In fact, Obama did not accuse Americans of being lazy, and those who continue to insist, like Palin, that he did, take Obama's comments out of context.

As wrote:

Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both claim President Barack Obama said that “Americans are lazy.” He didn't. To the contrary, Obama has consistently and repeatedly praised American workers as the “most productive in the world,” a bit of boosterism he has repeated dozens of times.

His recent words -- “we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades” -- actually referred to collective efforts to promote foreign investment in the U.S., and not to American workers or voters as individuals. Perry and Romney simply rip those words out of their context in order to mislead.