Big Journalism Attacks Talking Points Memo For Accurately Quoting Andrew Breitbart

The headline kind of says it all about the state of today's right-wing “media criticism.” (i.e. It's rarely coherent.)

In this case, Talking Points Memo reported on Andrew Breitbart's weekend address at CPAC:

In his rambling CPAC speech today, Andrew Breitbart described how he has enjoyed going to progressive rallies and peppering the protesters with questions. But, he said, the women of the anti-war group Code Pink are “tedious at this point” because they used to be “kinda slutty lefties,” but “they're getting long in the tooth.”

“I don't know why I decided to make my career trying to destroy the institutional left. I thought that would be a fun thing to do,” he said at the opening of his remarks. He described how he's found that the people in protests “are not individuals. They've been community organized.”

“They're not Americans,” Breitbart said later. "They're animals."

So much for civility, right?

But apparently Talking Point Memo wasn't supposed to accurately quote Breitbart because in a weirdly defensive post, his Big Journalism site went after TPM:

Talking Points Memo takes issue with Andrew Breitbart's CPAC11 s [sic] speech from this morning wherein he remarked on Code Pink, the group who has given aid to American enemies.

Um, what Breitbart “remarked” on was that members of the anti-war group are “animals.” (He also called them “slutty.”) That's a fact. And in the posted clip of Breitbart's CPAC address, Big Journalism confirms that he called liberal activists “animals.” Not once, (:28), but twice. (4:38.)

So to recap, Big Journalism attacked TPM for accurately quoting Andrew Breitbart. Or, behold “conservative journalism.”