Standing = Communism

Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft, doing what he does best:

So the image of red, silhouetted people standing up has a “Soviet feel.” What can you even say about something like this? You can mock it, but to what end?

The mind that conceived, arranged, and published this isn't going to be swayed by mockery. It's so single-minded in purpose that it defies the most basic notions of logic, even sentience. It's almost robotic in its stupidity. “Democrats? Standing? COMMUNISTS!”

It's aggressively -- indeed, proudly -- ignorant.

As such, there's little hope in trying to make sense of it. The best we can do is realize that for the conservative blogosphere, stuff like this is increasingly a feature and not a bug.


Red? Check.

“Stand”ing? Check.

We're on to you, Trotsky...