Member of Beck's Black Robe Regiment “Dreams” About Obama Begging For Forgiveness

Last month, Glenn Beck insisted his group of pastors known as the Black Robe Regiment “is not about politics.” That wasn't true then, and it's even less true now.

Jim Garlow -- an anti-gay minister who is one of the leaders of the Black Robe Regiment -- has a blog post up at the American Family Association website describing a “fictional account of a dream” in which President Obama begs for forgiveness for destroying America, hitting several right-wing talking points in the process.

Garlow wrote that in his “dream,” Obama has an epiphany after delivering his State of the Union address and assembles Congress again the following night to deliver “The True State of the Union.” In this second speech, Obama confesses that he has “run the debt up more than any other president,” “regulated the private sector out of existence,” and “demoralize[d] the military that defends us,” among other things. After each point, Obama repeats that he is “ashamed” and “sorry” and asks for “forgiveness.”

After Obama finishes speaking, “the honest members of Congress stood to their feet and began shouting for joy. Across American [sic], godly people stood and wept as they high-fived each other. People of integrity shouted praises to God that he had answered their prayers. And the nation -- over the next few years -- was turned around, and once again became the great beacon of hope to the world that it was destined by God to become. ”

Garlow concludes: “And just then, I woke up. I realized it was only a dream. I wept.”

Doesn't seem like the kind of guy who is “not about politics,” does he?

(h/t Right Wing Watch)