“Gunny” Bob warned of “socialist utopian state under the spiked boot heel of Hillary Rodham Clinton”

On his September 4 broadcast, Newsradio 850 KOA's “Gunny” Bob Newman asserted that “anti-freedom liberals” are intent on “establishing their socialist utopian state under the spiked boot heel of Hillary Rodham Clinton.” Newman also referred to the Democratic senator (NY) and presidential candidate when he warned that, depending on the outcome of the 2008 election, the United States might “hurtle[] into the abyss of Clintonista tyranny.” Later in the broadcast, while criticizing MSNBC's recent decision not to air an advertisement produced by the organization Freedom's Watch in support of the Iraq war, Newman used a Nazi reference in characterizing MSNBC as “the network of the far-left anti-American hate merchant Keith Olbermeinkampf.”

Keith Olbermann is the host of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann. As Colorado Media Matters has noted, on his August 3 broadcast Olbermann named Newman the “winner” of his nightly “Worst Person in the World” segment for mischaracterizing comments that retired Gen. Wesley Clark had made on the July 26 Countdown broadcast.

As Colorado Media Matters has documented (here, here, here, here, here, and here), Newman frequently labels people and groups with whom he disagrees -- including the American Civil Liberties Union and a Quaker organization, the American Friends Service Committee -- as hatemongers and hate groups. Recently, Newman referred to the 2007 YearlyKos Convention as “bigger than any KKK, Nazi, or Muslim terrorist gathering ... that has ever occurred.”

From the September 4 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Gunny Bob Show:

NEWMAN: Tonight on The Gunny Bob Show we're gonna be talking about just how ugly it can get. “Dirty Democrats: The putrid politics of the wild-eyed left” -- tonight's topic on Gunny Bob. You can email me at Gunnybob@850koa.com, text message me 68255, and instant message me by just going to 850KOA.com. The 2008 elections promise to be perhaps the ugliest, dirtiest, and most vile in recent history as the anti-freedom liberals pull out all the stops in their -- what I see as their desperate attempt to not only maintain control of the Congress, but seize the White House as the final step in establishing their socialist utopian state under the spiked boot heel of Hillary Rodham Clinton. As you know, politics is the lifeblood of The Gunny Bob Show. So tonight, until 1 o'clock tomorrow morning -- Mountain time -- you and I will debate and discuss and slug it out over just how grim it has become, the, the, these politics, and just how grotesque and repugnant it is going to be as we approach the date that may determine whether America survives as the nation our Founding Fathers had hoped for or hurtles into the abyss of Clintonista tyranny.


NEWMAN: Oh, and a new pro-U.S. military organization called Freedom's Watch, which supports our armed forces, has had its ads turned down by anti-U.S. military MSNBC and CNBC. The ads include military veterans like one guy with no legs. And it's clear that MSNBC and CNBC do not want those veterans' voices heard on their networks. MSNBC is the network of the far-left, anti-American hate merchant Keith Olbermeinkampf. Of course, you know that. So no one should be surprised at this latest anti-armed forces move.

Later in the broadcast, Newman apologized for having made several appearances on MSNBC and declared that he “will never do so again unless MSNBC changes its policy and allows both sides of this argument to be heard”:

NEWMAN: And now, for the third time tonight, I must again apologize. I have appeared on MSNBC several times. They called me up: “Oh, Gunny, can we interview you?” You know, “Please come down.” And I've agreed to most of their interviews. I should not have, looking back. Please excuse me and rest assured I will never do so again unless MSNBC changes its policy and allows both sides of this argument to be heard. They do that, they call me again -- fine. Bygones be bygones. But until, until that happens, no. I was gonna say something more colorful but really shouldn't do that.

As Colorado Media Matters pointed out, during his October 27, 2006, appearance on MSNBC's The Most, Newman explained the “coercive” interrogation technique of waterboarding.